Preparation for HERD Kick-off Meeting, 21 February, 2019
The preparation meeting of HERD consortium members was held on February 21s, at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University which stands as the leading partner of the project. Consortium members discussed the agenda of kick-off meeting for February 27-28 and identified administrative as well as legal and logistic responsibilities of partners, for successful implementation of the project. ...

HERD Kick-off Meeting, 27-28 February, 2019
The kick-off meeting of HERD project (under the EU co-funded Erasmus+KA2 program) was held on February 27-28 at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University which stands as the leading partner of the project. Rector of TSU, George Sharvashidze, Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Irina Abuladze, Head of National Erasmus+ Office, Georgia, Lika Glonti, academics and students attended the first working meeting. The agreements for the partnership were signed betwe ...

HERD consortium member meetings for preparation of the TOR for RM software purchasing
HERD consortium held five meetings for arranging purchase process of TOR for RM software. Meetings took place on March 11 and 25, April 1 and 18, June 11 and were attended by IT department representatives of partner universities. During the meetings, WP leader TSU IT department with the representatives of partner university IT departments presented details of Research Management software purchasing process. ...

HERD Steering Committee Meeting, 24th of June, 2019
HERD steering Committee Meeting was held in Tbilisi, at Tbilisi State Medical University, which is one of the HERD partner universities. During the meeting participants discussed Media Communication Strategy and Project Quality Management Plan of the HERD project. Meeting members conferred ideas on Stock taking report on needs assessment of R&D in Georgia and the best practices regarding project goals. Project Manager, Prof. Marine Chitashvili presented brief information about agreement a ...

HERD Training in Research and Development strategy based on the shared experience from the UCA, Batumi, 26-28 of June, 2019
On June 26-28, one of the project partners, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University hosted a three-days training within the framework of HERD project. The representatives of University of Côte d'Azur (UCA) shared their experience by using six step training, based on a participatory approach. During the workshop, several key points of the Research & Development strategy were discussed: purpose, structure, objectives, steps that are typically undertaken while building the research str ...

One-week study visit of HERD Project delegation at Université Côte d'Azur
Following the training on R&D strategy delivered in Batumi (Georgia) last June by UNS/Université Côte d'Azur staff involved in research management at steering level and at support level, Université Côte d'Azur welcomed representatives of Georgian universities and research institutions in the framework of the HERD project (Erasmus + p ...

HERD project’s Technical Implementation Report has been approved
On 18th of March, 2021 EUROPEAN COMMISSION Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency approved HERD Technical Implementation Report submitted on 06/04/2020 and got the higher assessment. EUROPEAN COMMISSION Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency’s assessment looks at the partnership's performance as regards the efficient implementation of the project. It takes into account the Technical Implementation Report but also the desk monitoring conducted by the ...

Iakob Gogebashvili State University hosts HERD representatives
On 14-17th of October, 2020 a member of the project consortium, Telavi State University, hosted a HERD Georgian partner university representatives' meeting aimed at improving the Scientific Portal System and making the final agreement on the Georgian version of the Portal. HERD Project is Co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union and aims to Raise Research Capacity of Georgian HEIs' through Developing R&D Units. Projects goal is to respond to major object ...

Discussion on HERD project quality assurance plan
On 11th of March, 2021 HERD project coordinator, vice rector of TSU in research, Nino Okribelashvili together with the Herd partner university representatives discussed HERD projec ...

VIDATUM launched trainings for representatives of the 12 project HERD member universities
20 May, 2021 On 20th of May, 2021 VIDATUM - sub-contractor company of the EU funded ERASMUS+ KA2 HERD project, which is responsible for the development of a joint - Georgian Research Information System - GRIS.emis.ge portal within the framework of the project HERD, launched trainings for representatives of the 12 project HERD member universities and partner organizations in software management and usage. Consequently about 80 representatives of the project HERD ...

VIDATUM lunched a virtual meeting with HERD Local Partner University representatives
On 2nd of June, 2021 VIDATUM - sub-contractor company of the EU funded ERASMUS+ KA2 HERD project, launched a virtual meeting with HERD Local Partner University representatives in order to present and discuss the user interface design of HERD joint research portal - Georgian Research Information System - GRIS.emis.ge. VIDATUM, responsible for the development of the HERD research portal, will continue to make the respective changes and adaptations of the system based on the recommendatio ...

HERD project coordinator, Nino Okribelashvili disseminated the information about project on Rectors' Standing Conference
On July 7-8, 2021, the Rectors' Standing Conference, hosted by Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, was held. The Rectors’ Standing Conference, founded in July 2019, shares the fundamental principles of the Magna Charta Universitatum, such as academic freedom and institutional autonomy, and showing aspiration toward the European and national humanistic traditions, integration of Research and Teaching, etc. This is a platform, where rectors are discussing the challenges of hig ...

Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University hosted a workshop through HERD project
On 7th of July, 2021 Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University hosted a workshop through the EU funded Ka2 capacity building project “HERD - Raising Research Capacity of Georgian HEIs through Developing R&D Units”. Participants of the workshop were the coordinator of the HERD project, TSU vice-rector Nino Okriblashvili, HERD project manager at Batumi state University – Natia Tsiklashvili, representatives of the faculties and contact persons from the Research Departm ...

HERD Interim assessment and international mobility plans
On July 13, a distance meeting was held as part of the EU funded HERD Project. Representatives of 12 Georgian and 3 European HEIs discussed the process and implementation of the project activities. Special attention was paid to, Interim Assessment prepared by Ms. Nino Parsadanishvili - the member of the project evaluation board. The Consortia agreed that international mobility could be reduced to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of COVID-19. The representatives of the Technical University ...

Meeting with Jaba Samushia, General Director of Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia
On August 12, 2021, Jaba Samushia, General Director of Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia met with Nino Okribelashvili, Coordinator of the project - Raising Research Capacity of Georgian HEIs through Developing R&D Units / HERD, reference number: 598207-EPP-1-2018-1-GE-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP (2018-2578/001). The project Coordinator introduced the main outlines of the EU-funded Institutional Development Project to the newly appointed Head of the Foundation and spoke about ...

On-Site Visit to Technische Universitaet Dresden
Remote On-Site Visit to TU Dresden was kindly organized by Christian Gerhardts, the head of the European Project Center. Representatives of Geo HEIs observed activities of TUD departments involved in the research process. Representatives of TUD presented the experience of the European Project Center for supporting “ONE-STOP-SHOP” for the lifecycle of a projects and whole package of supporting services that they deliver: Consultation and project acquisition, support during th ...

TOT trainings for GRIS.emis.ge for TSU faculty representatives
On October 11, 2021, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University hosted a TOT training for HERD project research portal – Georgian Research Information System – GRIS.e ...

HERD future plans discussed with the University Côte d’Azur
After recovery and pandemic, the HERD is BACK to NEW NORMAL. On 9th of December, 2021, the Future plans were discussed with the University Côte d’Azur representatives - ...

Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia supports the EU funded Ka2 HERD Project
The Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dr. Nunu Mitskevich responded to the project prolongation and addressed the letter to the Rectors of the partner universities: “The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, guided by the principle of Open Science, supports the implementation of the HERD project in order to bring together the relevant resources at the institutional level in a single space. Accordingly, we appeal to you to ensure the maximum involvement ...

Discussing the final phase of HERD
After recovery and pandemic, the HERD is BACK to NEW NORMAL. On 4th of February, 2021, the future plans were discussed with all local Georgian University HERD representatives. The discussions were dedicated to the two targets - Dissemination of HERD project outcomes and study visits to European partner Universities – Technische Universitaet Dresden - TUD and Université Clermont Auvergne – UCA. ...

Tbilisi State University disseminates the HERD project results
On 19th of February, 2022 Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University hosted a meeting in order to disseminate the HERD project results - "Promoting the Development of Scientific Research in Georgian Higher Education Institutions" funded by the European Union within the framework of Erasmus + KA2. The presentation of the project was held by TSU Rector Giorgi Sharvashidze, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Nunu Mitskevich, Director of Rustaveli National Scientific Fou ...

HERD stands with Ukraine!
During these tragic times HERD would like to express our deepest concern for the Russian invasion of Ukraine. We stand by you, our Ukrainian friends. Glory to Ukraine! ...

A week-long study visit to Technische Universitaet Dresden - TUD
A week-long visit by HERD representative to TUD, one of the project's international partners, ended today. The Technische Universitaet Dresden - TUD, among the top 10 universities in Germany, is involved in the project in terms of planning and management of research directions. The visit was hosted by the Center for European Projects (EPC). During the visit, representatives from 12 partner universities of the Herd project and Mr. Zaza Maruashvili, Deputy Head of the Higher Education De ...

UCA hosts one-week study visit for HERD partner university representatives
From 28th of May UCA - Université Clermont Auvergne (France), one of the project's international partners, hosted a week-long study visit to HERD representatives. Representative of the Ministry of Education and Science ofGeorgia, Mindia Okujava – deputy head of the Division of Science and Technology of the Science Development Department also participated into the study visit. The Université Clermont Auvergne (UCA) was created on ...

HERD 24-25 June Capstone conference and final event
On 24-25th of June Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University together with GIPA – Georgian Institute of Public Affairs hosted the Erasmus+ KA2 HERD - Raising Research Capacity of Georgian HEIs through Developing R&D Units project capstone conference and final event. Representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia - Deputy Minister, Dr. Nunu Mitskevich, Deputy Head of Higher Education Development Department, Mr. Zaza Maruashvili, and Deputy Director of Rustav ...