Project Objectives

P8 - Akaki Tsereteli State University - ATSU

Akaki Tsereteli State University is one of the oldest institutions of higher education of Georgia with wide spectrum of study programs and research fields. ATSU is the leading University  in the region.  Kutaisi Technical University and Subtropical University were merged with ATSU that lead to the great variety of study programmes and research fields. Currently, there 9 faculties  at the University with approximately 10,000 students.

The University has a good experience in international cooperation. ATSU has successfully participated in more than 14 international projects, including Tempus Projects and  Erasmus-Mundus projects: Ema-Medea, Alrakis I, II and Ianus I, II. Akaki Tsereteli State University is participant of Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education projects:   

As a coordinator of the project - Advocacy Establishment for Students through Ombudsman Position (AESOP);

As a partner in the projects: Pawing the way to Interregional Mobility and Ensuring relevance Quality and Equity of Access  (PAWER); Academic Integrity for Quality Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Institutions in Georgia (INTEGRITY).

The main activities of the university are providing high quality education in the Bachelor, Master and Doctoral levels. The University strives to contribute to the development of professional education system through the implementation of the up-to-date professional education programmes. The university aims to respond to the job market needs and provide skilled labour force to contribute to the social, economic and cultural development of the region and the country.

Role in the Project

Akaki Tsereteli State University will be actively involved in all the activites of the Project; its staff will attend all the trainins, workshops and study visits organized within the HERD project. It will disseminate information on the project activities through its channels. ATSU will host Tech-transfer Workshop, thus co-leading WP2.6. In addition its representatives will attend all the management-related meetings and will serve on Steering Committee.
