Project Objectives

P7 - Tbilisi State Medical University - TSMU

TSMU is a state HEI having the 80 years history. It has five Faculties: Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Public Health, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. Teaching, research and training are inseparable process at TSMU. By 2017 about 2000 overseas undergraduate students from 60 countries study at English Medium (Faculties of Medicine, Pharmacy, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) and Russian medium (Faculties of Medicine and Stomatology) at TSMU.

University introduced new joint programs - American MD Undergraduate Program and joint Master's program with UniMan Academy of Management and Performance (France). TSMU has been the leading higher medical institution in South Caucasus region and in 2015 was listed as the second institution among top 10 universities in the country.

Besides delivering knowledge to and shaping the future of the students, TSMU pays extra attention to the research and innovation management.  

It has two affiliated Scientific/research Institutions: Vladimer Bakhutashvili Research Institute of Medical Biotechnology and Iovel Kutateladze Research Institute of   Pharmaco Chemistry; 427 academic staff, 80 researchers, 78 Post-doc fellows, and 110 PhD students.

The  Structural  Units  coordinating  research at  TSMU are: Department  for  Research  Coordination,  Master’s  and  PhD studies; Centre  of Medical  Education, Research  and  Strategic  Development; University   Departments/Chairs; Faculty Development Centre.

Since 2012 Research Skills Centre has been functioning at TSMU (for undergraduate MD students). Course of Research skills is included in TSMU MD program since 2011. Textbook in Research skills was published in 2014.  During 2011-2017 a total of 54 research projects were funded by International and Georgian Scientific Foundations.

Role in the Project

TSMU will be actively involved in the HERD project on all levels. It will participate in the local needs assessment and will fully implement the RM software on its premises. Its staff will attend all the trainings, workshops and study visits organized within the project frameworks. In addition, TSMU will organize and host Kick-off meeting of the project. Its representatives will attend all the management-related meetings of the project, will disseminate information on project activities through its owns channels, will participate in Steering Committee meetings and other meetings upon necessity.
