Project Objectives

Project activities and Methodology

HERD is a 2-year project planned around 5 core WPs closely intertwined with one another, describing a logical chain of project activities, identifying key milestones and deliverables, and monitoring of the overall quality of the project:
WP1. PREPARATION: The WP serves as an introductory stage of the project, consists of three sub-packages with clearly defined outcomes and outputs:

1.1.Formation of thematic task forces: led by TSU it aims to create 5 thematic groups involving Georgian HEIs, EU partners, Georgian governmental agencies serving as partners and associate partners of the HERD consortium.
1.2.Local Needs Assessment/Study of EU best practices: led by ISU, the WP will conduct a baseline study to identify the gaps and needs of GEO HEIs in research management and strategic development, as well as cross-check and benchmark the areas for adapting EU best practices to local HEIs.
1.3.Purchase of the Research Management (RM) Software: led by TSU; based on a specific ToR the best potential RM software vendor will be selected.  
WP2. DEVELOPMENT: The WP contains 8 sub-packages with respective GEO or EU leaders and acts as the core WP of the HERD project:
2.1. Installation and Adaptation of RM Software to the Georgian Language: During the first year of the project, RM software will be introduced in GEO HEIs. The soft will be adapted to the local language for ensuring better accessibility of Georgian research managers and scientists. This will also contribute to the sustainability of the HERD project outcomes in case non-HERD GEO HEIs will also decide to join the platform. WP led by TSU.
2.2. Preparation of Software User Manual and Training Materials: in order to ensure the proper usage of the RM software, special user manuals, guidelines and training materials will be prepared. WP led by IBSU.
2.3 Workshop on Strategic Development: led by The University of Nice – Sophia Antipolis the WP aims to conduct a 3-day ToT training on the importance and drafting methods of university strategic development based on institutional data analysis.
2.4. R&D Seasonal School: led by TU Dresden the WP aims to conduct a 7-day ToT training on the purpose of R&D units, research management, grant management and analysis of institutional data.
2.5. Workshop on Software Usage: After the introduction of the RM software, a 2-week ToT training will be conducted to train the local staff in software usage. WP led by GTU.
2.6 Tech-Transfer Workshop: led by UCA with help of ATSU, the workshop will focus on a ToT training on research and training policy for engineering schools, the permeability between HE, research, innovation and business, technology transfer and introduction of R&I spin-offs and carve-outs at HEIs. The workshop will be attended by the GEO partners with a focus on STEM and medicine.
2.7 Study Visit to The University of Nice – Sophia Antipolis, TU Dresden and UCA: After each workshop, a study visit will be organized in respective EU universities. This will provide practical experience to Geo HEIs in addition to the theoretical training they received at the workshops. WP led by The University of Nice – Sophia Antipolis, TSU Dresden and UCA.
2.8 Online Georgian Research Portal: led by EMIS with the help of MES, the WP focuses on creating an online academic portal for displaying state-of-the-art information on activities, human resources, research, publications, patents, the infrastructure of the academic institutions in Georgia.
WP3. QUALITY PLAN. The WP consists of two sub-packages and aims to provide quality assurance for the HERD project:
3.1. Project Quality & Monitoring Plan (PQMP) and Steering Committee (SC): led by The University of Nice – Sophia Antipolis, the WP aims to draft a PQMP and collect SC for ensuring smooth implementation of project activities, reaching milestones and ensuring the outcomes/outputs are delivered on time and with high quality.
3.2 External Project Evaluation: An external project evaluation by experts in the field will be conducted. WP led by TSU will outsource the service to external agents.
WP4. DISSEMINATION & EXPLOITATION. This WP consists of the following sub-packages:
4.1 Media Communication Strategy: led by GIPA with the help of GTU, a media communication strategy will be elaborated and updated on regular basis based on the recommendation of the SC. The strategy will create special mechanisms for timely communication and exploitation of project outcomes during & after the project.
4.2. HERD project website. A special website will be elaborated for the HERD project displaying information on project partners, activities, promo materials, etc. The WP will be led by TSU.
4.3 Promo Materials: led by CU and the Conservatoire, promo materials such as photos, videos, newsletters and podcasts will be created depicting the major activities of the project.
4.4. Capstone Conference: led by BSU a final conference will be organized to summarize the project outcomes/outputs and present them to the wider public.
WP5. MANAGEMENT. The final WP is dedicated to the overall management of the project and consists of the following sub-packages:
5.1. Kick-off Meeting: a kick-off meeting will be organized where PQMP and Media Communication Strategy will be drafted, the SC will be gathered and different details will be agreed upon with the partners. The WP led by TSMU and DTMU.
5.2. Steering Committee Meetings: Regular SC meetings will be organized to ensure smooth implementation of the project. The SC will overview the project progress and updated activity plans as necessary. The WP led by TSU and TESAU.
5.3. Virtual Meetings: in between the SC meetings, regular virtual meetings will be organized between the consortium members to discuss the efficiency and effectiveness of the activities. The WP led by TSU with the help of other GEO partners.
5.4. HERD Administrative and Financial Management: led by TSU the WP focuses on the daily coordination, financial and administrative management of the project.
5.5. Project Financial Audit: by the end of the project an external mandatory financial audit will be conducted. The WP led by TSU.