Project Objectives

P1 – Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University TSU

TSU is the leading pubic university in Georgia with more than 22,000 students. Established in 1918 it was the first HEI in Georgia and the whole South Caucasus creating local intellectual workforce and paving way for human development and democracy. TSU was founded as European-style HEI as the majority of its 12 founders had been educated in Germany, France and Tsarist Russia bringing their kno...


P2 – Technische Universitaet Dresden - TUD

Technische Universitaet Dresden is one of the largest technical universities in Germany and is among the leading and most dynamic universities in Germany. As a full-curriculum university with 18 faculties in five schools it offers a broad variety of 122 disciplines and covers a wide research spectrum. Its focuses of Biomedicine, Bioengineering, Materials sciences, and Information technology, Mi...


P3 - Université Clermont Auvergne – UCA

The Université Clermont Auvergne (UCA) has been created on January 1st 2017, from the merging of the Université Blaise Pascal and Université d’Auvergne. With 35.000 students, including 4.600 (13%) international ones, and 3.300 staff, UCA plays a key role in the territorial structuration and the building of a European level region. Its 20 Faculties and 5 DoctoraI Schoo...


P4 - Université Côte d'Azur

Université Côte d'Azur, former The University of Nice – Sophia Antipolis - was officially instituted in October 23, 1965. Université Côte D'Azur is a research intensive university ranked in the AWRU. The re-entry 2016 saw the University accommodating 25,963 students including 19% from abroad (foreign students) representing 131 nationalities. It is a multidis...


P5 - Ilia State University – ISU

Ilia State University is a flagship public research and comprehensive higher education institution in Georgia that was established in 2006 as a merger of six different institutions, each having a long history and a diverse institutional profile. Its schools offer distinctive training in their respective direction and in-depth research opportunity in social sciences, humanities, life sciences, e...


P6 - Georgian Technical University - GTU

Georgian Technical University (GTU) is one of the biggest educational and scientific institutions in the South Caucasian region. It was founded in 1922. It’s a leading engineering higher educational institution and powerful scientific center. Consisting of 12 faculties (covering Engineering, Technology, Humanities, Law, Business, Social Sciences), 71 departments, 12 scientific-research in...


P7 - Tbilisi State Medical University - TSMU

TSMU is a state HEI having the 80 years history. It has five Faculties: Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Public Health, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. Teaching, research and training are inseparable process at TSMU. By 2017 about 2000 overseas undergraduate students from 60 countries study at English Medium (Faculties of Medicine, Pharmacy, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) and Russi...


P8 - Akaki Tsereteli State University - ATSU

Akaki Tsereteli State University is one of the oldest institutions of higher education of Georgia with wide spectrum of study programs and research fields. ATSU is the leading University  in the region.  Kutaisi Technical University and Subtropical University were merged with ATSU that lead to the great variety of study programmes and research fields. Currently, there 9 faculties ...


P9 - Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University - BSU

BSU comprises of 9 faculties (Humanities, Education, Business and economics, Law, Social and Political Sciences, Natural Sciences and Healthcare, Physics-mathematics and Computer Sciences, Technological, Tourism), and 3 Research Institutes (Niko Berdzenishvili Institute, Agrarian and Membrane Technologies Institute, Institute of Phytopathology and Biodiversity). Currently up to 6000 students st...


P10 - Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University - TESAU

TESAU is the only university in Kakheti region, Eastern Georgia. In 1924 pedagogical technical college was established in Telavi which was the basis of the institute for teachers. In 2001 Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi Pedagogical Institute was transformed into Telavi State University and following five Faculties were formed on three level of educational: Agricultural Sciences; Education; Social Sci...


P11 - V.Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatoire - TSC

Since the day of its foundation the TSC has perfectly been combining art and science, teaching and research, and has become one of the major cultural, educational and research centers for music in the country and remains the only center for research in the field of musical art throughout the country.

Today TSC is the major HEI for Music education and research in Georgia with 2 ...


P12 - Caucasus University - CU

The history of Caucasus University goes back to 1998 when with US government funding and in cooperation with Georgia State University, the Caucasus School of Business (CSB) was established. Thus, the implementation of the first western-style education was launched in Georgia. Before long, Bachelor’s, Master’s and Ph.D. academic programs were started. It ...


P13 - David Tvildiani Medical University - DTMU

DTMU (formerly called as AIETI Medical School up to 2011) started functioning in 1992/1993 academic year. It is one of the first non-governmental higher medical education institutions in Georgia. It has AIETI Medical School and School of Public Health and offers postgraduate studies. AIETI Medical School is providing MD undergraduate and PhD education programs in Health and Biomedicine, (first ...


P14 - International Black Sea University, LLC - IBSU

IBSU as one of the leading private HEIs in Tbilisi offering high quality education to its local and international students in various fields of study with a specific focus on research in order to contribute to the economic and social welfare of Georgia since 1995. IBSU is a member of various national, regional and international associations, and has active memoranda of understanding with more t...


P15 - Georgian Institute of Public Affairs - GIPA

GIPA was created in 1994, based on the agreement between the National Academy of Public Administration of the USA and Georgian Government. GIPA currently hosts 4 schools (Government, Caucasus School of Journalism and Media Management, Law and Politics, Social Sciences), 11 MA degree programs, 4 BA programs, 1 PhD program and short term courses for different groups such as representatives of loc...


P16 - Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia - MES

According to the Georgian “Law on Higher Education” Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia is the main national authority that defines directions of the national strategy on higher education. Ministry is in charge of making decisions regarding development of the higher education system at institutional, legislative and policy level. Main directions of the Ministry as one of th...


P18 - National Center for Education Quality Enhancement - NCEQE

Role in the Project

Participating in workshops/trainings organized within the HERD project; participating in the elaboration the template of academic research portal; validating the data entered in the academic research portal in cooperation with the EMIS to avoid the falsification/duplication of data for non-HERD universities/research centres; dissemi...


P19 - Georgian Innovation and Technology Agency - GITA

Role in the Project

Participation in strategic development workshop for research; consulting Georgian members of consortium in strategic planning for research; participating in the elaboration the template of academic research portal; disseminating the results of the project. Participating in policy dialog with  different government bodies t...


P20 - Saqpatenti, National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia

Role in the Project

Participation in strategic development for research; consulting universities to set the adequate policies for tech-transfer units and establishing the IPR policies at the place
